The STORY continues about Montgomery County
Terrorism and my efforts to defend my Library
and Studio Fleet.
09-22-2001 To the District Court of Maryland:
Montgomery County, Maryland Plaintiff
vs. Johan Svanholm Defendant
Citation Numbers (Exibit A)
1 The Defendant, Johan Svanholm, Respectfully requests this
Court to Consolidate all these CASENUMBERS listed in
Exhibit A to ONE case number for the following reasons:
1. I was issued 32 citations pertaining to my "storage"
vehicles, case set for October 2, 2001 at 8:30 a.m. at the
District Court of Maryland For Montgomery County in
Silver Spring., See Exhibit A.
2. Consolidation of the 32 citations to one CASE
NUMBER is appropriate. All 32 citations are generally
based on calling my "storage vehicles" "solid waste".
Accordingly 1 case number instead of 32 case numbers
is more judicious and permits the defendant to follow up
with a-Countersuit of 5 Million dollars in a more efficient
use of time and resources for the Court, the
parties and the parties' witnesses.
3. Since the expense to get qualified and affordable legal
help and the time for them to prepare a suitable defense
is so great and since this case is so closely related to the
case of Windolph in December, I therefore also request
a postponement to a suitable date after the Windolph
case in December.
4. I am also resubmitting the Letter to the Chief Judge
which was my response prior to a meting with prominant
lawyers yesterday. A apologize if I then spoke out of turn,
but it expressed my feelings at the time.
5. This is the Defendants first request for Consolidation
(one case number rather than 32) and Postponement until
December after the Windolph case
WHEREFORE, the Defendant prays that Consolidation of the
32, citations currently set for Oct 2 2001 will be
consolidated - and Posponment for December of this case.
Respectfully submitted ~~~~
Johan K V Svanholm, Chm. Svanholm Research Laboratories
My Resident address: XXXX XXXX ,XXXXXXX Md 20783,
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 22 Day of September,
2001, a copy of the foregoing One Case number and
Postponement was mailed, first-class, postage prepaid, to:
Charles W. Thompson County Attorney 101 Monroe Street
Rockville, Maryland 20850 (240) 777-6796
To: Rep Chris Van Hollen
Att: Ms. Char Rosnick
Date April 16, 2003
Nice meeting you today in your Rockville office on 51 Monroe Street.
To bad you have not heard from Minnie and Conny, but I will try to locate their Current e-mail address so I can write
them a Line.
***The Topic, that I brought You up-to-date on, I can say, that every LEGAL effort so far has failed, to secure the FLEET,
and now to Return the FLEET, since it was Taken by the MC Government on Dec 10, 2002 and is held HOSTAGE in a Salvage Yard
in MtAiry.
***My efforts to ask the FBI, Ref Number <<499343>>and Contact person's<<David Rushing>>Email
address<sioc@fbi.gov>, on request to Determine the Criminal aspects of the MC actions. I could use some help to find
out from them what they found out.
***I have asked the Commander James Snow of the MC Police Impound to under the Freedom of Information Act explain his
involvement and how the Fleet was REMOVED from the County with his Coordination and Staff. My - Tagged<<MD TAG - L56748>>
and Insured - International Truck was also TAKEN and so was my very special US FLAG that was issued by the US Congress<<2002-048015-001>>
and Flown over the Capitol on April 29, 2002 for my Research Company. I could use some help to get the FOIA request acted
upon, and the FLEET and the FLAG returned.
***I have file Criminal Charges against the Solid Waste Department's Director and the Inspector, a Kevin Crutchfield,
who was in charge of the TAKING of the Fleet on December 10, 2002 and my effort to satisfy the Commissioners "probable
cause". Commissioner Harold Mijkeljohn felt that the State Attorneys would not accept such filing. I could use some help
in explaining to him and the Commissioners That when a crime is committed by a county Employee or a Group of the County Government,
there should be a Criminal recourse to file such charges and determine their deviance and culpability.
***I need help to determine the status of the FLEET in Mt Airy and the conditions of its return to my Company. This is
the most important thing in my mind to secure and return the FLEET.
***I need assistance in getting John Windolph's<<301-834-4609>> story documented, since he is he most violated
person in this case forcing him essentially off his family farm and he tells me "forced" to sell it at "half
price - or he would go to jail" etc.
***Overall, a grant would be very helpful to combine all the data available on this case and create a "story book"
publically available as a DETERENT to other government bodies that would like to violate citizense in a similar way. It should
include an assessment of the sociologic and economic damages to that large part of Dawsonville, that the 405 acre farm and
the other properties
Represents. A sort of IMPACT statement is necessary.
Please advise what you think should be the Obvious NEXT STEP.
And specifically what You and the US Congress can do to help this situation out and return the necessary information listed
above and the return of my fleet.
Yours truly, Johan-in-Washington, N3RF, Chm, Svanholm Research Laboratories, P.O. Box 81, Washington DC 20044
Contact me by Private address XXXX Street, XXXX, MD 20783, by Email n3rf@aol.com and by Tel 202-352-5252.
This matter is very URGENT and has EMERGENCY flavour.
Please act as quickly as possible. /JSm
Johan K.V. Svanholm, Appellant Sept.Term 2001 No. 2585
Montgomery County, MD.,et al.
To:Clerk, Ms LYNN SADLER Note April 22, 2003
Special Appeals Court, and copies for the Circuit and District Court
and order to RETURN STOLEN
DATE April 22, 2003
Dear Ms Lynn Sadler, Staff and Judges of Honor of the Special Appeals Court.
I have brought to Your attention the information and facts how the Montgomery County was able to invade my friends farm
and then assess all his intellectual property and then mine as "solid Waste". It is not clear what their MOTIVE
was, but the outcome was clearly disastrous and damaging both to my friend and to my self.
Worst of all, the MD Court System became the defrauded party by letting itself, the Court System accept the statements
made by the County as Truth. In turn, it forced me to take actions and try to convince the Court System that this was in fact
a FRAUD and should be handled as such. Instead the Court System accepted everything that the Montgomery County and the State
of Maryland as TRUTH without the Scrutiny I had requested. Therefore I again ask the Special Appeals Court to RECONSIDER their
mistake and cooperate with me to set things straight.
Yes the issue is mainly that of the"FREEDOM OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY"
But not only about the Contents of my Fleet , The Fleet itself and a Special US Flag but also the Intellectual Property
and Rights for my Friend who was the initial TARGET of the Montgomery County INVASION. This Motion includes also the special
requirement "EMERGENCY RETURN of my STOLEN FLEET" that that I filed with You previously and is still outstanding.
It is regrettable that Your Court has not asked the questions that if answered truthfully would have revealed the real
reason for the Montgomery County Attack
Of February 15, 2001. Neither have I seen a responsive and clear understanding of the Parties BRIEFS and Your OPINION
of the rightful and accurate happening, but only a repeat of the Montgomery County Line, my being off timing and nothing mentioned
of the atrocity to later TAKE my remaining Fleet and removing it all for Destruction.
I am therefore REQUESTING a careful REVIEW of the real issues, that the Parties and Your Court has avoided to consider
and work with me to reconstruct the CRIME committed by the Montgomery County and the mistakes made by the parties and Your
Court in dealing with these issues I have been trying to report to you.
Respectfully submitted to you today.
I am enclosing $50 which I should request to be returned,
since I have better use for my money. THANKS,
Johan K.V. Svanholm,
Private address : xxxxx Street, xxxxx, MD 20783
Johan-in-Washington, n3rf, Chm SRL/LSRF n3rf@aol.com and 202-352-5252 anytime http://n3rf.tripod.com ;
Reminder: The FLEET was removed and sent by the County to a Salvage Yard in Mount Airy, AMERICAN TRUCK, 3923 Twin Arch
Road on or about December 10, 2002. The county Officials contacted has refused to cooperate under the Freedom of Information
of the details of the TAKING and to release the information where and how the Units was taken away.
I RESPECTUFULLY REQUEST "EMERGENCY RETURN" of all TAKEN ITEMS to a mutually acceptable location and items lost
or damaged be replaced.
Yours truly, Johan K.V. Svanholm, n3rf, Chm Svanholm Research Laboratories, Washington, DC .
Certified that this Motion has been forwarded by regular postage paid US Mail to All Parties and Courts listed previously.
Dte_________________ My name________________________________
April 11, 2003 Yesterday I received the OPINION from the Special Appeals Court in Annapolis, MD. Now the recourse is to put
in a PETITION to the Court of Appeals. I will add more later. 73 JSm
Dear Friends, readers of my website.
It is already March 4, 2003 and the FLEET is still in LIMBO,in a Salvage Yard in Mt Airy, Maryland.
whose three Judges began reviewing the BRIEFS from all parties on Feb 13.
Emergency RETURN and REPLEVIN requests are on file and still PENDING in bothe the Circuit Court and the Special Appeals
Courts repectively.
I have requested the Audio Tape and the CD from the Oct 3 2001 and the Dec 3 2002 "trirals" by Judge Vaughey
of the District Court in Silver Spring MD.
Nothing much else to report. I need my FLEET to do my work and a safe space to park same without further HASSLE...Hi
December 14, 2002 Today the US Flag was no longer waiving
over my Fleet, since the Fleet was no longer there on site.
Who stole my Units??When, last week and by whom??. /JSm
Enter supporting content here
Subject: Very good to talk to you again - after soo long./Johan
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 14:32:21 -0400
From: Johan Svanholm <n3rf@ix.netcom.com>
To: evan.johnson@mo.co.md.us,n3rf@ix.netcom.com, econdev.criss@co.mo.md.us
Dear Evan, Long time no hear. Hope all is OK by you and the
Towing Business /MVF etc. Hope you can open some
of these "samples" I have enclosed.
I don't know when the "Civil War" out on the old Windolphs Farm will be over, but John Windolph
When he owned the Farm use to have Civil War "enactment's" many times, but he probably never
thought it would be "for real" essentially
"kicking off" his own farm.
It started with on a yearly basis Jeremia Criss,
fellow John reporting "Debris" on the farm
"wanting it'" cleaned up. Which You probably
don't know both John Windolph and I was actively "researching the recycling" the rare metals of
old computer circuit boards. etc. The MC found it convenient to site him for all his being all
"solid waste" and when I asked Rep Connie Morella
to get the MC to issue a certificate that my
Library Units was NOT SOLID WASTE, they turned
on me and then "Shit Hit the Fan" so to speak.
I appreciate if you can help me SEARCH on the WEB
for the current Picture of my Fleet at the field
next to Rt 28 and Whiteground Road, the Photograph
from the Air that I understand is available on the
WEB in near real time.
Otherwise all is OK and my research company is as
busy as usual, publishing and writing while I am
looking for a SAFE PLACE for 10 Units near my home
in Adelphi. The Townhouse, we got rid of. It had
repeated FLOODS (4) while we owned the place and
we don't have the problem with the Montgomery
Village here either..Hi
Thanks again for being the nicest and most
appreciated Montgomery County executive that I
have known. I mean You, Evan Johnson.
Best wishes from Johan-in-Washington, n3rf,
Chm Svanholm Research Laboratories and
Loomis Scientific Research Foundation,
P.O. Box 81, Washington, DC 20044
Contact me via Email n3rf@aol.com and
Tel 202-352-5252 anytime.
[image of SHIPLIST 1991-2000.doc][I served on
23 Ships for Uncle Sam as a Meerchant Marine
Officer during this time in my par-time/Ed].
Subject: [Fwd: URGENT - HELP - I need Logistic
support. I am under attack for real / JSm...]
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 19:52:41 +0000
From: Johan Svanholm <n3rf@ix.netcom.com>
To: fema.operations.center@fema.gov,n3rf@ix.netcom.com
Mr Gene FEMA - Emergency Action Office
Operations Control 24-hrs 1-540-665-6100 7.50pm
Please forward to proper channels. Thanks/ JSm
Subject: URGENT - HELP - I need Logistic support.
I am under attack for real / JSm
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 19:01:11 +0000
From: Johan Svanholm <n3rf@ix.netcom.com>
To: president@whitehouse.gov, n3rf@ix.netcom.com
Subject: The US Flag protects my Library/studio
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 18:50:52 +0000
From: Johan Svanholm <n3rf@ix.netcom.com>
To: President@whitehouse.gov,rep.morella@mail.
house.gov,acapdick3@juno.com,n3rf@ix.netcom.com, n3rf@aol.com
Dear Mr President.U.S.A.
I need your help to remove the "attack on me and
my Storage Fleet" by the Montgomery County and +their Court support Judge Vaughey, who has ruled
that I will go to jail at the end of this month
unless I move these "harmless" library storage /
Studio Units" that I have used for years in
Support of my work to serve this Country,since 1966.
I have also located a safe and suitable place in
the neighborhood that I can move this "storage /
Studio Fleet" to and GSA at first approved my
invited "offer". Later when they discovered with
the information that I provided freely, that the
County and the Judge Vaughey had defined the units
as "solid waste" and I was not trying to be
"funny" just sad, they turn me down twice.
I need this "unused" place for the monthly sum I
can afford with the money I get from my days out
at Sea (22 trips in the 90-'s), Please contact
Mr Gary Shipley GSA, my contact on this matter
on <202-260-0692>. His latest E-mail indicated
that GSA has approved in "Principle" but cannot
help etc. Please help me out here Mr President.
Most respectfully, yours truly, Johan K.V.Svanholm,
Chm CEO,n3rf,PE,Notary,REO etc Svanholm Research Laboratories (n-p of DC),
P.O.Box 81, Washington, DC 20044
Please contact me by phone 202-352-5252 and E-mail n3rf@aol.com
PS Judge Vaughey MC District Court has ordered me
to go to Jail on Aug 30, 2002 unless I have moved
my "solid Waste" studio/storage units. I cannot
serve you well if I am in Jail. Please help out
NOW. Best wishes,/JSm cc:
When you called we was ANALYSING a big Tow Truck
Autocar and locating the control relays and the
main buss for the lights and the signals etc. It
will be the same one we use when I "move" someday.
I just RAISED the American Flag on the right hand
mirror mount of my best BlueWhite Bus. The title
of the Photo I took and enclose here is "US FLAG
guards my Fleet". That was the same flag that was
raised on the US Capital for Svanholm Research Laboratories on APRIL 29, 2002 by the Architect of the Capital, Mr Alan
M. Hantman, FAIA requested by the Honor. Constance A Morella, Member of Congress.
Best wishes from Johan-in-Washington,Chm SRL/LSRF
[Image of Storage Units, the Fleet]
click here to download file