Date June 9, 2004 - deadline wasJune 11. Copies sent./JSm
In The
Supreme Court of the United States
Johan K V Svanholm, Jack Leigh and John Windolph
Montgomery County and the State of Maryland
On Petition For Writ Of Certiorari
from The Court of Appeals of Maryland
Johan K.V. Svanholm
Pro Ce
P.O. Box 81
Washington, D.C. 20044
Why did Montgomery County attack my Research Company facility consisting of a number of Trucks and Busses and call them
S O L I D W A S T E and Confiscate Same for Destruction.
More questions are added in the FILING with the Court of Appeals.
See the Web site
Search Warrant, Pictures and letters are shown by clicking on the word at he END of the District Court page.
I am including the statements made by Jack Leigh and Johns Windolph as was submitted by them and dates.
I will also include their phone numbers so that the court can contact them to hear their part of the overall story.
As time permits I will add to the web site additional published letters and motions that I have not had time to add to
the web site as yet.
I am sure the information in the web site. Representing documents filed with respective courts are there already.
I am keeping the Filing with Your honorable Court this simple for Economic reasons.
I am filing under PAUPER since I am using only my social security and a small merchant marine pension as the only available
resources I have to operate with.
The two corporations I have are both n-p of DC and serves our Nation in the areas of RESEARCH and CONSULTING and is not
generally in MUCK-RAKING like this project represents.
I firmly believe that the Montgomery County committed crimes of FRAUD and WHATEVER in their SWAT TEAM invasion of the
Properties that are included in the SEARCH WARRAND.
I firmly also believe that Judge Vaughey who was under Medical Doctors care during the time when I was called before him
for hearings and this put him in a situation of a LAZY JUDGE which represents I understand less than proper sensitivity to
what was going on in the field operations at the Dawsonville. MD properties using FTA and other SWAT TEAM members.
Judge Vaughey also refused to recuse himself, refused to permit me to PLEAD myself, refused to allow me a SINGLE CASE
NUMBER which would made it affordable to appeal, and also refused to permit me to get a JURY TRIAL. I also spent time in Jail
to satisfy his urges. I have the record TRANSCRIPTS on Casette and CD of the TRIALS in his Court in QUESTION.
My FILING with the Circuit Court of the Montgomery County MD the entire 32 citations judgments as an APPEAL and COUNTER
SUIT and the Counter Suit for FRAUD and EXTORSION followed.
I did not however ANSWER the comments made by the Parties, my laps, so the JUDGES at the CIRCUIT COURT denied my requests.
I was not allowed a HEARING in the CIRCUIT COURT although I remember showing up for one but it wasnt for real, or did not
take place.
I then sent the case to the Special Appeals Court in Annapolis and the case FILING was also entered in my WEB SITE at , a template self made site
After the DENIAL in that Court I sent it on to the Court of Appeals and after their DENIAL I sent it on to you.
My feeling is that the FOUR COURTS FAILED in understanding what really took place on the WINDOLPH FARM on Feb 15, 2001
and later as I have described in my Document FILINGS. Or is it possible that these COURTS have made a special favor to the
LOCAL GOVERNMENT and not to me as a simple and private entrepreneur operating with limited funds and limited patience for
such shenanigans
I ask this HONORABLE and SUPREME COURT of the USA to take a quick look and not blindly DENY my Pleading.
Yours truly, Johan K.V. Svanholm, Chairman and CEO
P O Box 81, Washington D C 20044
((Use my Private address listed at end for all communications))
Parties to Proceeding:
1. Myself, and my two n-p Corporations of D.C.
2. Mr John Windolph joined me at the Court of Appeals
3. So did Mr. Jack Leigh with his statement published earlier.
4. Montgomery County Executive and the people responsible.
5. State of Maryland Governor who governs the laws of the Montgomery County
6. the Montgomery County Executive who rules the County ,
7. the Courts that fails to act properly and
8. those responsible in our local government .
Contents of Appendix:
I am seeking review of the Court of Appeals of Maryland unpublished ruling regarding my case which was entered at first
in the Circuit Court of Mongomery County Maryland,
Taken from the Special Appeals Court of Maryland .
Case numbers was as listed 32 each as
Ref 1.List A xZ33632254-2270 And B xZ33631912-1925 and 1726-1728
The Circuit Court case
226085. and 5936D, 5937D, 5938D, 5939D,
5944D, 5945D, 5946D, 5947D, 5948D, 5949D,
5950D,5951D, 5952D, and 5953D (18)
The Special Appeals Court of MD case number was
02585 September Term 2001.
And The Court of Appeals case number was
503 Sept. Term 2003
But the Causative District Court of Montgomery County Maryland had originally 32 case number that was eventually reduced
to 16 case numbers. The District Court finally terminated their case, but my appeal and counter suit continued through the
higher courts.
The Denials and rulings by the lower Courts and the Judges
that were involved are listed below:
Court of Appeals of Maryland Judges
Court of Special Appeals of Maryland Judges
Circuit Court of Montgomery County Maryland Judge
Judge Weinstein et al
District Court of Montgomery County Maryland - Judge
Judge Vaughey in Silver Spring, who permitted this atrocity
FBI Directors office who was asked to intervene.
Certified Copies Mailed to:
1. PARTIES in the CASE: ( for mailing purposes ONLY)
Johan K.V. Svanholm 202-352-5252
Private Adress : XXXXXX St,XXXXX, MD 20783
2. Court of Appeals of Maryland. 410-260-1500
Same address as Special Appeals Court below.
Clerk Ms Leslie D. Gradet 410-260-1450, 1-800-200-7444
Special Appeals Court,
R C Murphy Courts of Appeal Bldg
Annapolis, MD 21401 1699
3. Clerk Ms Ruhl, Ms Debby Duval; 240-777-9405
Circuit Court MC MD
50 Maryland Ave,
Rockville, MD 20850
4. Clerk, Ms Carolyn Beale,
District Court of MC MD
8665 Georgia Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20910
5. Mr Charles L. Frederick, ESQ. Karen L. Felderman Henry, Principal Associate County Atty. Appeals,Ofc.
Office of the County Atty. MC
101 Monroe Street, 3 rd Floor,
Rockville, MD 20850
6. Ms Julia M Andrew, Esq 410-576-7292 Fax 410-576-6404
Assistant Attorney General.
200 Saint Paul Place,
Baltimore, MD 21202
7. Jack Leigh, 301-963-9399
8. John Windolph, 301-834-4609
STATEMENT Made by Jack Leigh
About Joining Counter suit and Claim
On my Case 02585 September Term 2001
Special Appeals Court on Date July 5, 2003
Johan K.V. Svanholm
Montgomery County et al
Mr Jack Leigh states as follows:
My 4th Amendment Rights where violated.
The people who did this, whoever they are,
Fabricated charges, to their voracity,
before Judge Vaughey in order to execute
an illegal search and seizure warrant they wanted
for their fishing expedition.
They are guilty of extorsion, harassment,
Intimidation, blackmail, threat of
Incarceration etc.
They are responsible for the loss of
My space and 250,000 dollar value.
I dont mind that Johan add my name
as co-plaintiff to his counter- suit.
I certify that the above statements are true
and that my constitutional rights were violated.
Jack Leigh 15619 Norman Dr, Gaithersburg, MD 20878
As Dictated to me by Jack Leigh
this evening by regular telephone by request.
Johan K.V. Svanholm, Chairman
Svanholm Research Laboratories, P.O. Box 81, Washington, D.C. 20044
STATEMENT Made by John Windolph
About Joining Counter suit and Claim
On my Case 02585 September Term 2001
Special Appeals Court on Date July 5, 2003
Johan K.V. Svanholm
Montgomery County et al
Mr John Windolph States as follows:
My 4th Amendment Rights where violated.
The people who did this, whoever they are,
Fabricated charges, to their voracity,
before Judge Vaughey in order to execute
an illegal search and seizure warrant they wanted
for their fishing expedition.
They are guilty of extorsion, harassment,
Intimidation, blackmail, threat of
Incarceration etc.
They are responsible for the loss of
My property of several million dollar value.
I dont mind that Johan add my name
as co-plaintiff to his counter- suit.
I certify that the above statements are true
and that my constitutional rights were violated.
John Windolph 511 Jefferson Pike, Knoxville, MD 21758-9620
As Dictated to me by John Windolph
this morning by regular telephone by request.
Johan K.V. Svanholm, Chairman
Svanholm Research Laboratories, P.O. Box 81, Washington, D.C. 20044
Dear John and Mary Windolph January 14, 2004
511 Jefferson Pike, Knoxville, Maryland 21758-9620
Tel 301-834-4609 Email
Warm regards for the NEW YEAR 2004 and I hope that
You are getting all settled on your new Farm in Knoxville.
Here is all going on as before, one day at the time.
Busy with paper work, reading and writing and when possible
Going out in the Sun and work on my Trucks etc.
Marcus Jackson working for the Rep. VanHollen is
Since Feb last year trying to get a written receipt for the taking of the FLEET of December 10, 2002: who towed the vehicles,
and where to they took them etc.I know where, but I need it in writing.
I am still paying for insuranse for my Big International with Tags.
The Four Courts so far has denied any request to return or respond to the filing of appeal and counter suit so I am now
at the point of the Last step go to the Supreme Court in DC which costs me another $300 filing fee.
It would be a great help if you turned on your Notebook computer so I could let you know what I am doing. Furthermore,
having you write your story in brief so the people I am communicating with can also read it, I have it all on the web site
Which is very convenient to refer to when talking about it.
So please let me know that You will PROVIDE me with a copy of YOUR STORY. I think this would be very HELPFUL to the overall.
For now 73 and hope the Spring will be here shortly with warm days and Outside work for me as well. 73 JSm
Douglas M. Duncan County Executive
Charles W. Thompson, Jr. County Attorney
April 16, 2004
The Honorable Chris Van Hollen Congress of the United States 3409 Rhode Island Avenue Mount Rainier, MD 20712
Dear Representative Van Hollen:
This is in response to your letter to me of April 5, concerning your constituent, Mr. Johan Svanholm. This office has
responded to repeated requests from Mr. Svanholm. Recently another Assistant County Attorney, Walter Wilson, responded to
telephone inquiries from your office concerning this same matter, as have staff members of the Division of Solid Waste, Department
of Public Works and Transportation.
A brief history might be helpful in understanding this matter. A County search of the property where the vehicles were
found resulted in the issuance of 32 citations against Mr. Svanholm on or about February 15, 2001 for solid waste violations
under the Montgomery County Code. The citations included storing solid waste at a place in violation of Section 48-10 and
letting solid waste accumulate in violation of 48-24(b). After a trial. District Court Judge Vaughey found Mr. Svanholm guilty
of all 32 violations and ordered him to remove the vehicles from the property within 30 days. Therefore, Mr. Svanholm was
not only given the opportunity to remove the vehicles from the property, he was ordered to do so. No timely appeal was filed.
When he failed to comply, the County sought a Petition for Contempt and Order to Show Cause. A Show Cause Order was issued
March 26, 2002. On December 3, 2002, the District Court issued an order permitting the County to remove the vehicles and contents
and dispose of them, specifically providing that the County would not be required to store or maintain the vehicles or other
removed items. Shortly thereafter, in accordance with the court order, the vehicles and other solid waste were removed. Earlier
this year, G.A. Corrick, Solid Waste Division, advised your office that the vehicles were towed to the Auto Parts Exchange,
Mount Airy, MD. However, as already noted, the Court order made clear that the County could dispose of the vehicles and property
and, given the lapse of time, it is likely that this has already occurred.
I hope that this resolves the matter. Should you have any further questions concerning this issue, please do not hesitate
to contact me at 240-777-6700.
Sincerely, Susan B. Squires Assistant County Attorney
cc: SBS, G.A. Corrick
101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850-2589
Congress of th)e United States.
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515 April 22, 2004
ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 (301)424-3501
3409 RHODE ISLAND AVENUE MOUNT RAINIER, MD 20712 (301)927-5223
Mr. Johan Svanholm 1604 Elson Street Hyattsville, MD 20783-4332
Dear Mr. Svanholm:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the location of the vehicles that were confiscated by the Montgomery County Government.
I have been advised that the County followed the appropriate procedures and provided you with the necessary information
in order for you to avoid the confiscation of your vehicles. However, when you failed to comply with the court order to remove
the vehicles within a certain time period, the vehicles were towed to the Auto Parts Exchange in Mount Airy, Maryland. Given
the passage of time, it is likely that disposal of the vehicles has already occurred. A copy of the response from the Office
of the Montgomery County Attorney is enclosed.
I am sorry that this is not the response for which you were hoping. If you have any questions regarding this matter please
contact Susan Squires, Assistant County Attorney, at (240) 777-6700.
NOTE: some pages have been OCRd and may NOT BE fully checked /JSm
Yours Respectfully, Johan K.V. Svanholm, Chm
Svanholm Research Laboratories and Loomis Scientific Research Foundation, Washington.
I Certify THAT Copies have been mailed to the pertinent Parties Involved Including: Andrew, Esquire et al for the Governor
of Maryland and Frederick, Esquire et al for the County Executive for Montgomery County MD.
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