On February 15, 2001 the windolph Farm in Dawsonville MD was attacked by a SWAT TEAM etc. I was also attacked and robbed but
much later. I saw the whole thing. Here I will add John Windolph's story which I received from him in 4 parts including the
W A R R A N T that gave the goons the R I G H T to proceed. Please forgive my typos and misses on the words and spelling.
I will add up dates as I get them./JSm n3rf
This Statement was provided to me by
And signed by John F. Windolph on this day
of June 8, 2004 for publication /JSm
My wifes Experiences - on the morning of
February 15, 2001 as she prepared to feed her Horses, and assist her boarding Clients in the rain and drizzle.
Oh~ say can you see by the Dawns early light: The federal, State and Local Government poised to fan out over my farm,
search and seazure warrants in hand. B.A.T.F. to the right, Bomb squad to the left. EPA to the front, Solid Waste to the
rear. Helicopters sbove follial and Blondered Housing and Community affairs, Police Department Animal Control, Humane treatment,
Sniffing dogs. County Attorney; Information Officer, and a NBC Channel 4 camera man in a persimmon Tree.
Fifty cars, pickup trucks suvs Bomb truck Hazzmat carriers, fire engines etc parked on my property Tracking through
the Hay field in mud. And for a thousand feet along Route 28.
Highly agitated police Officers responded: Geet your Hands out of your pockets where are your guns ? we know you have
got guns ! Where are your Attack dogs ? Stay back, get out of our way. Who is that person ? Why is he here ? This invasive
procedure and Tactics are akin to being held down and raped by our own Government shades of NAZI Germany and Communist Russia.
Open your doors or well smash them in. ! !
Later during the day Housing & Community affairs: Is that your house? Do you live in that?,! alone? Your Husband
lives there with you ? Well you dont any more I have just Condemned it, You have to be out of there by Tomorrow morning !
! You must board up the doors and windows. And failure to do so will result in a demolition order! The penalty for Illegal
occupancy is $500 to $750 per day - -
At the South end of the farm: An agitated Black man says out: there is humans buried here ! the is a grave stone and flowers,
it says Mr. T. Hanoverium.
-My wife responded: Mr. T. was my pet Hanoverian Horse, He was buried several days ago. The Veterenarian Euthanized him.
He was Big, Black, and he had an attitude ! ! .
An NBC Channel 4 Camera man was standing by Video Taping. Next to Bonnie Joe Ayers County Information officer. I replied:
I was told no media would be allowed on my farm. You are trespassing -, Get off ! ! my wife placed her Hat in front of the
Camera. A county officer replied to her: You touch that Camera and you will be charged with assault and battery. I then requested
that the Camera man be arrested for trespass, and his tape be confiscated! The officer replied: We cant do that, He is media
! I followed. The NBC car to Atourny Littmans staging area in the park parking lot across the Seneca Creek. I stood blocking
his car from Leaving and had an officer called in to arrest him.
The Camera man replied: No one has ever taken my tapes in 30 years and you are not going to. The officer arrived and
let the camera man leave. His name was given to me and I was told I I wanted to I could go to Rockville and swear ou a warrant.
Who are our law officers here to protect ! ! ! Certainly not the land owner !
In their tail-Lights last Gleaming as they drove out of sight, I heard them exclaim We didnt find what we were looking
for ! ! !
Does the Star Spangled banner yet wave or the land of the free and the Home of the Brave ?
Comment: Inspector you got thousands of dollars worth of antiques on valuable property in these banldmys you should have
a yard sale ! It is so peacefull out here! (m) Yeah until you arrived on the scene: (To my wife (m) What is that mobile home
doing there! Whose living in it? (m) Its not Hocked up! Yeah, but its near an electrical outlet.
What is that for? we looked inside! why is it there !
(m) My horses tend to faul at nite and I sit there to keep an eye on them., and it also has tags and Insurance on it.
Enter content here
TO: Richard Safreed or Dan McHugh or any officer of the Montgomery County Division of Solid Waste Services; Dave Rotolone,
Pete Dilima, or any other officer of the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection; Kevin Martell, Robert Bell,
Steven Morris or any officer of the Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs; Chief Charles A. Moose,
Ph.D., Chief of Police or any Officer of the Department of Police or any Animal Control Officer of the Division of Animal
Control and Humane Treatment.
Based upon the application of Richard Safreed consisting of 8 pages, dated the /3 day of February, 2001, which is incorporated
herein by reference, the Court finds that there exists probable cause to authorize a Search and Seizure Warrant as follows:
1. Within the next fifteen days, you, and/or any officer to which this Search and Seizure Warrant is directed, are commanded,
with the necessary and proper assistants, to search the premises known as the Dawsonville property and the surrounding area
at 16615 Damestown Road, 16420 Darnestown Road, and 16901 White Ground Road, Boyds, Montgomery County, Maryland, but not any
residences contained thereon. Residences are not to be searched except to the extent necessary for safety precautions or reasons.
The premises are described as approximately 405 acres of rural land with multiple residences, buildings, trailers/RVs/vehicles
as identified below:
Parcel# Acres Owners Addresses Structures and Objects
N50 3.23 Miller Investments Ltd. 16615 Damestown Road old gas station (boarded windows; "Heavenly Huts" sign);
portable toilets; solid waste piles, inc. trailers, RVs, and other vehicles
400 208.40 Windolph/Williams Farm Corp 16420 Darnestown Road barn and nearby building in south / center part of parcel;
solid waste, including trailers, RVs, and other
This Statement was provided to me by
And signed by John F. Windolph on this day
of June 8, 2004 for publication /JSm
MONTGOMER COUNTY a Liberal Government out of Control :
1. Draconian Abuse of Power,
2. Criminal Extortion,
3. Violation of Private property rights and privacy,
4. Bearing false witness,
5. Deprivation of personal property,
6. Criminal Fraud,
7. Coersion,
8. Violation of right to know,
9. Mental Anguish,
10. Misuse of federal fire arms data,
11. Launching a fishing expedition,
12. Wasting Government monies, Time and Equipment/Personel,
13. False accusation at Local, State and Federal levels,
14. Causing Loss of Income, rentals business activities,
15. Deprivation of Tax payers Rights, services for waste disposal,
16. Slanderous accusations,
17. Promulgation of an Illegal Search and Siasure Warrant,
18. Endangerment of life and property by deadly force,
19. Threatening to Deprive, and destroy personal property without Just Cause,
20. Covert Surveillance by air and entry, Trespass, photography property w/o permission or Notice,
21. verbal abuse by inspectors and other Agents,
22. Attempting to deprive of Personal freedoms, threatening Incarceration.
After thoughts: In relation to Extorsion.
The County Attorney informed my lawyer Wm AsKnazi:
If I signed a paper not to sue the County They would Drop the $100k to $300k citations, and paid the County fines of
$5,000, @ 1000, per month, and cleared my farm of computers etc.
I Also was forced to get rid of two Antique Lincolns 1978 1979, and a Ford Ranchero at my costs.
My computer processing was A benefit to the country in saving precious metals, that otherwise, and ultimately were relegated
to land fills. Income from precious metals also augmented farming operations which promoted the continuation of Agriculture
in the County.
During the attack by the County, Mr R. Jamuson real estate, asked me if I had enough Harassment yet, and was I ready
To Sell ! ! At the sale of my farm I was only allowed 30 days, actually 29 yo remove 30 years of accumulated personal property,
then told by the New owner, Never To Set foot on the property again !
Safreed to Judge Vaughey:
It is nescessary to raid Windolphs farm before he destroys Records !
1. There were no records,
2. There was no scale house,
3. There was no Transfer Station,
4. There was no Raw Sewage being dumped on the farm,
5. There was no computers STOLEN from the county,
6. There was no Illegal Dump or Landfill,
7. I did not own or store Portable Toilets,
8. I did not take monies to dump Trash,
9. There was no Criminal Activity,
10. There were no Salvage Haulers,
11. There were No Tickets,
12. or Computers Records.
The Reason for raiding my farm was falsely fabricated, and
Sworn to by Safreed before Vaughey!
Recalled by John F. Windolph on 06-07-04
I inherited the family farm from my father and mother.
Bought out my sister and brother-inlaws half.
Jeremy Chris: informed me that I was the Steward of the land. I informed Jeremy I was the owner. A steward is a care
taker, not the owner. I sold the rights to develop my farm Not the ownership.
The farm was in a family corporation. I was president. I, my wife (2)
Children (5), Grand Children, Sister, Brother in Law, their Children (2) originally held stock in the Corportion. A closely
Held family Corporation. The farm Cooperative retained 9 development rights in the name of my Children to build future Homes.
At the sale of the farm I was denied my 9 development rights by Montgomery County. This cause a loss of 2 million dollars
offering by the proposed buyer. The County invaded my farmdeclared my property solid waste. My properties included Computers
Electronic Scrap all bearing Gold and Silver etc Content; purchased from the General Services Administration, NASA, Montgomery
County school board, Delivered to my property by Montgomery county Trucks. On Pallets, tp my farm.; Misc Items purchased from
Scrap yards. Etc. I was a pioneer in Reecycling and recovery of Precious metals, commencing in 1954, using mechanical Separation,
concentration and Sale of Concentrates to various refineries. My children also helped in the Swparation process. All precious
metal stockpile was purchased by my Children and Self. Without Warning the Montgomery County swat and Inspection Teams:
Federal Bat bomb Squad, fire and Rescue, Hazzardous Waste, state Environmental -, Well and Septic, County News Media.
Local TV News Media NBC. Etc descended on my farm at 8:00 AM all day Long. They Came in with Guns drawn get your hands out
of Your Pockets Where are your Guns ? We Know you got Guns - ! Where are your attack Dogs ! ? My wife called me at our
house and said - Be Carefull. The Farm is being overrun with Police and Inspectors, they are very agitated and could possibly
shoot you. What ! ! as the day went on Inspectors came to my home and condemned it and other Houses on the farm . I was
told I had to abandon my residence by moving and find another place to live. My house in the middle of a 400 Acre farm was
having a septic blockage being repaired. The old farm house had a well pit No longer approved I obtained documents to continue
occupancy of the buildings from Montgomery County appeals. At the end of the day I inquired what were you looking for ? Why
were you here ? Reply. We didnt find what we were looking for ! ! ! What were you looking for, with over 50 carloads of Police
Inspectors Media Hazmat Fire Truck Container Trucks, etc. In a few days more than $100,000 worth of Citations arrived
in the mail. at an impromtu meeting in Rockville. 8-10 inspectors present. I was informed we will come on to your farm demolish
your house, the old 1777 farm house. Bull doze the remains into a hole, Charge you for our services, levy the fees against
you property and sell You Out ! ! ! A commentary by Jerad Littman: - I commented that wod chips were stored on an adjacent
piece of Count property. Why were my pile of wood chips on a USDA sanctioned Composting site illegal Littman: We Make the
Rules, and they dont apply to US ! ! ! After the meeting we left, but I returned to use the fauhkis. They were all still in
room Laughing and slapping their Knees in glee over their walking over my rights. Later the county attempted to incarcerate
me during which time they intended to Siege my farm for non-compliance of disposing of my precious metal stock pile. I was
forced to sell my farm for ½ of my asking $4 million dollars.
I was ordered to remove all of my Purchased materials. But I was told. I could not use any of Montgomery Counties Solid
Waste facilities. Shady Grove, or the bealrull Beauty Spot. I was told I could go to Hagerstown and pay a computer disposal
service $25:00 each for Hundreds of thousands of components. When I visited the facility they informed me Montgomery county
had contacted them and tried to get them to buy all of their School computer Scrap. I hired several 40 Ton dumpsters and
attempted to remove my property to an out of county facility, (Very Costly) However I as not moving fast enough (Winter
Bad Weather) and the county found me in contempt of Court, and the Attorney Littman, prayed for my incarceration. At a lter
meeting with Judge Vaughey, and my Lawyer Bill AsKinazi; the Judge Recused Himself from signing the Search and Serzure Warrant.
I was forced to pay 5 - $1000:00 extortion payments to the court or be jailed.-
John Windolphs statement about event of 2-15-2001 8:00 AM.
A massive draconian invasive raid occurred on my farm (at 8:00 AM 2 15 2001 ) and simultaneously occurring at the
old filling station owned by Miller Properties and Jack Leigh Portable Toilets, and Potomac Valley Plumbing & Heating
Inc owned by Jim and Keriame. adjacent properties in Dawsonville, Maryland.
Approx 10 police cars, and 40 vehicles from Federal, State and Local Governments including (BATF) Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms, Bomb Squad, (EPA) Environmental Protection Agency Solid Waste, Hazmat, fire department, Animal Control for attack
dogs, Housing and Community affairs etc fanned out over the properties.
Police officers demanded to know where our Guns were, and to keep our hands out of our pockets enough to give someone
a heart attack. Others Nailed Search and Seizure warrants to farm signs and electric poles on the Highway (see exhibit) !
We asked what was going on ? and what were they looking for ? We were told to stay out of their way. The massive Invasive
activity disturbed the Horses (a number of which was about to foul) at bringin time in the morning.
Inspectors entered my shops, buildings, sheds riffling through the Contents and taking voluminous pictures others took
soil and water samples. Officers stormed the plumbers trailer on Leighs Property and threathend to smash doors open. the
computers and records of the plumbing Co run by Jim and Keriame, were downloaded, and seized without cause or reason given.
This young couple was markedly shaken and disturbed by the events.
Jared S. Littman (assistant County Attorney) occupied a small Parking lot on the North East side of Seneca Creek, where
he orchestrated and directed the raid by Radio, Cell Phone. Approx one quarter of a mile (1000 ft) of route 28 east of the
Lot were lined by fire Trucks Hazmat carriers Bomb Trucks eetc.
I informed the Inspectors and police officers not to allow any News media personnel or camera men on my property. A
short time later a camera man from Channel 4 NBC entered my property at the South end of the farm and started Video Taping,
with Information officer Bonnie Joe Ayers. I spotted him and ordered him off my property. My wife placed her hand in front
of the camera, and a police officer threathened her with arrest and assault and Battery. The camera main said in 30 years
No one had ever taken his Tape and went to his car to leave. When I requested His arrest for Tresspass He returned to the
parking lot, I followed and asked Mr. Littman to call an officer for his arrest while I stood blocking his car from leaving.
When the officer arrived, I was told, He could not be arrested and I could not have His Tape; If I wanted to, I could go to
Rockville and Swear out an arrest warrant ! !
A few minutes later I was informed my house had been Condemned by Kevin M. Martell ( Housing Code Inspector ) and I
had to Vacate by the Next morning the doors and windows were to be boarded up, and if I re-entered the premises I could
be fined $500 - $700 / day and the Premises demolished.
At the Northern part of the farm near the grain bins an Inspector said We found 3 pounds of Black Powder ! ! I commented
NO ! you found 3 #s of Red dot Smokeless powder for loading Shot gun shells ! A member of the Bomb Squad said You are allowed
5 #s without a permit! I have several pallets of High capacity Lead Acid Batteries for a 10 KVA Power supply I plan to install
on the farm, augmented by Photo voltaic cells. The Inspectors took numerous pictures of the Batteries. One asked the other
are any of them leaking ? The other replied NO ! and took more pictures. This Inspction ecent continued through out the whole
day ending at about 4Loo PM.
Several Inspectors commented to each other we didnt find what we were looking for !
See page 13 merge
- At Feb 27 th 10:15 AM, Four EPA Inspectors arrived after requesting permission by phone to look at some empty Plastic
50 gal Barrels. They examined them and were satisfied they were empty. I then gave them a tour of anything they wanted to
examine on the farm; They suggested placing some detergent in a New Container and placing some farm oil containers under cover.
They wrote a one page report finding No fault in my method of mechanically shearing and recovering Precious metals from Computers,
and sending Concentrate to smelters. I have recovered precious metal content from electronics for more than fourty years on
my farm. I have lived hre for 66 years. I am a senior Citizen and never Infringed on, or disturbed any of my Neighbors. My
farm has been a working farm since my Grand fther settled here in the early 30s.
My Wife and I run a Horse Breading, Boarding and Trail riding facility. I raise Corn, Wheat, soy Bens, Pumpkins,
Sweet corn, Vegetables and primarily produce Orchard grass hay in Square and Round Bails. My income is augmented by Tennent
rental homes to individuals that help me in the Harvesting and planting Crops and assisting in the Horse operation. My farm
is in the Agricultural preserve Easment Program.
The Trassic Soils on the farm are some of the Poorest and Thinnest in the State, from 0 to an average of 6 thick.
The farm 400 acres is not a productivity sustainable system because of low yield soils and shaley sub soil. In order to maintain
a working farm I augment Income from a commercial Bldg in Annapolis. To pay Fed MD Taxes, Insurance, Real Estate Tax, Burkling
maintenance and equipment repairs and Supplies. I have had to resort to enertamnet farming i.e. School groups, Church Groups
Company picnics, Hay rides, Civil war re enactments, Royal Zipizoner Shows, Yard Sales etc. I am a senior citizen and have
a small Gov. Pension, $83:00 / month, Social Security after earning 70 quarters of social security from farming, am locked
into a restrictive farm Easement Program ; Taxes continue to increase on farm bldgs and Tenement houses , and lastly I resent
the Abuse of Power and Draconian Invasion of my Private Property by uniformed Secret accusations of unknown Individuals.
Resulting in a massive raid on my Property family anna,s and Tenments by Federal, State and Local Government,
There is something Seriously wrong with our Government System that needs to be addressed. This type of Abuse and Harassment
used to be confined to NAZI and Communist reins, now it is visited upon our citizens
But on Time of Day or Night ( ct. sesame woneid)
I have No evidence, as to who was responsible for the afor mentioned raid, but , strongly Suspect a Neighbor, who happens
to have his house for sale, and used to occupy a Head chair on the Maryland National Capitol Park and Planning Committee.
At an earlier incident I held a Signed Contract with Cellular One to erect a Tower on my 400 Acre Farm.
This Neighbor whose house was also for sale at that time had his father in law Testify against the Tower Sight (Audio
tape available ) and along with Ruth Anne Aron Denied the permit cutting my farm corporation out of more than $300,000:-
Not in my xxxxxx Coxx of Interest.
My Home; where this; 16901 White Ground Road in Dawsonville was built approx early 1970s in concrete, masonry from Brick,
two story Flat Roof 4 ft over Hang, 35 70 Concrete Garage attached on five Acres recently had a New Touch down Roof and
repairs. Y-2K The over Hang Sophists need replacement in places (work ordered).
There is some debris ladders leaves Roof repair materials
Firewood virgin creeper vines etc. on the back Patio. (being cleaned up),. There is a septic field leak that was opened
to unclog field line. And not repaired for these reasons, my house was condemned on the spot without an order to fix and
make repairs.
Reported better Page 6
Tuesday Feb 27 10:15
Appointment visit to farm by David Rotdone (DEP), Jim Richmond (MDE), and Douglas E. Fromtz. (MDE).
They were very civil and cordial, wanted to examine Blue Poly drums I purchased from Dove Amtrons -; comsat, along with
water purification system etc.
I gave them a tour of Bldgs, Grain Bins etc. amd explained my Precious metal, computer recovery process as strictly
mechanical. They wrote a report for me and were satisfied with what they saw, suggesting securing detergent containers my
Brother in law had left on the farm, when he were bought out.
Wed Feb 28 attended Neutmond Management class-,USDA Bld How to Calibrate a Maneur Spreader:. Spoke with Jeremy Criss
about our previous communications of my having a several acre space to store and process Electronics. Jeremy had already received
a report from David Rotolone. John Z. present. He acquired Photo Contained map of my house for me. Thurs Molach 1 Keen
Martell & Linda Byrd arrived at my house. My septic Field was reconnected. Surface Vegetation removed and more debris
removed from my patio they agreed to allow 30 days of operation to check System function, Insisted on sophis replacement
on house, and removal of remaining debris from patio. Also insisted I empty out storage in my garage. Is Completely empty
! ! !
- 6:00 PM Art Heishel one of my tenements in Trailer Volunteered informed me about several received phone calls from
the County Housing If he was afraid of his land lord, now was the time for him to come forward and lodge a complaint.! ! !
he would be protected !