Johan K. V. Svanholm, Appellant Sept. Term 2001 No. 2585
Montgomery County, MD.,et al. -
To:Clerk, Ms LYNN SADLER Note April 22, 2003
Special Appeals Court, and copies for the Circuit and District Court .
Dear Ms Lynn Sadler, Staff and Judges of Honor of the Special Appeals Court.
I have brought to Your attention the information and facts how the Montgomery County was able to invade my friends farm
and then assess all his intellectual property and then mine as "solid Waste". It is not clear what their MOTIVE
was, but the outcome was clearly disastrous and damaging both to my friend and to my self.
Worst of all, the MD Court System became the defrauded, party by letting itself, the Court System accept the statements
made by the County as Truth. In turn, it forced me to take actions and try to convince the Court System that this was in fact
a FRAUD and should be handled as such. Instead the Court System accepted everything that the Montgomery County and the State
of Maryland as TRUTH without the Scrutiny I had requested. Therefore I again ask the Special Appeals Court to RECONSIDER their
mistake and cooperate with me to set things straight.
Yes the issue is mainly that of the "FREEDOM OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" But not only about the Contents of my
Fleet, The Fleet itself and a Special US Flag but also the Intellectual Property and Rights for my Friend who was the initial
TARGET of the Montgomery County INVASION. This Motion includes also the special requirement "EMERGENCY RETURN of
my STOLEN FLEET" that that I filed with You previously and is still outstanding.
It is regrettable that Your Court has not asked the questions that if answered truthfully would have revealed the
real reason for the Montgomery County Attack Of February 15,2001. Neither have I seen a responsive and clear understanding
of the Parties BRIEFS and Your OPINION of the rightful and accurate happening, but only a repeat of the Montgomery County
Line, my being off timing and nothing mentioned of the atrocity to later TAKE my remaining Fleet and removing it all for
I am therefore REQUESTING a careful REVIEW of the real issues, that the Parties and Your Court has avoided to consider
and work with me to reconstruct the CRIME committed by the Montgomery County and the mistakes made by the parties and Your
Court in dealing with these issues I have been trying to report to you.
Respectfully submitted to you today.
I am enclosing $50 which I should request to be returned,
since I have better use for my money. THANKS,
Johan K. V. Svanholm,
Private address: XXXX Street, XXXX, MD 20783 Johan-in- Washington, n3rf, Chm SRL/LSRF n3rf(Q), and 202-352-5252
! anytime ;
Reminder: The FLEET was removed and sent by the County to a
Salvage Yard in Mount Airy, AMERICAN TRUCK, 3923 Twin Arch Road on or about December 10, 2002. The county Officials contacted
has refused to cooperate under the Freedom of Information of the details of the TAKING and to release the information where
and how the Units was taken away.
I RESPECTUFULL Y REQUEST "EMERGENCY RETURN" of all TAKEN ITEMS to a mutually acceptable location and items lost
or damaged be replaced.
Yours truly, Johan K. V. Svanholm; n3rf, Chm Svanholm Research Laboratories, Washington, DC.
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