To the Supreme Court of the United States
December 12, 2004
Re-Hearing, Upgrade. Case No. 04-6303
Johan K V Svanholm Pro Se , with
Mr Jack Leigh and Mr John F Windolph
Montgomery County Executive and
Governor State of Maryland et al.
The GROUNDS, which are the REASONS for this Re-Hearing request are that:
1) It is NOT right to steal other peoples property and being the government of Montgomery County of the State of Maryland
and part of the United States of America does not change that fact.
I am asking the Supreme Court of the United States to tell the lower courts that they should have taken care of this matter
that they did not do. And
(2) Allowing the government to distort the facts and thereby permitting the Lower Court to accept this distorted fact
as truth should have been stopped at the first level and never been allowed to happen by calling our stuff solid waste because
it was Convenient for them to do so. A jury trial was asked for but not allowed.
I am asking the Supreme Court of the United States to make it CLEAR to the lower Courts that they should have TAKEN CARE
of this also, which they did not BOTHER doing.
This Re-Hearing Request is issued because all the Previous Courts including Yours failed to take care of this requirement
to NOT ALLOW Private Property to be TAKEN by the local Government of Montgomery County and that the Courts that had an opportunity
to straighten this out did not.
It is maybe a FIRST for Your Court, The Supreme Court of the United States, whose ultimate job it is to protect its Citizenry
from Violence of this type to SAY STOP to this type of Activity and make it right.
It is regretful that the TIME has been WASTED in Clearing this MATTER up since it is CLEAR to this person that the CULTURAL
aspects involved here made it INCONVENIENT for the lower courts to consider what I said is true but rather thinking that it
all was a matter of ZONING rules and they make the RULES ignoring all damages and problems they so have CREATED.
I beg and plead of this Court, the Supreme Court of the United States that you, and
Your Nine Supreme Justices, will have the wisdom that is required to transend these Cultural boundaries that the legal
profession and that of the Courts and the Local Governments impose so that Real Justice and Fairness in this case will Prevail
now and forever.
I do not apologize for my language or typographical inabilities to convey what did happen here on February 15, 2001 and
what led up to the Taking for Destruction of my Property on December 10, 2002 and the local Governments inability to return
any of it including my Truck (Road Tractor) that still have my Current Tags and Insurance for.
That Special US Flag that was raised over the FLEET which had Flown over the US Capitol for my Company a few months before
was also STOLEN by the Montgomery County and no effort was made by them or by the Courts to have it returned or anything else.
You The Supreme Court of the United States and Your Nine Justices are the only PROTECTION I have left to call upon unless
You also ignore the Facts that I have tried to give You.
My warm regards for you to do the job without fail to protect us United States Citizens from such VIOLENSE.
I thank You for doing Your Job, or at least thinking about it.
Johan K. V. Svanholm, (Pro Se), N3RF, Chm. Svanholm Research Laboratories P.O. Box 81, Washington, D.C. 20044
Please contact me only by Email N3RF@EARTHLINK.NET or by Cell 202-352-5252
And or to my Home address provided the Clerk previously. Thanks./JSm
I also Certify that Copies have been Provided the Parties of the Case this day of
December 12, 2004 by Prepaid Direct mail to:
Karen Federman-Henry Esq MC Atty Ofc 101 Monroe Street 3rdFlr Rockville MD20850 and
Julia M Andrew Esq MD Atty General, 200 Saint Paul Place, Baltimore Md 21202
And by Email to parties concerned and that the web site
where I have published most if not all Documentation that
was provided the courts are at URL: http://n3rf.tripod.com
So certified
Johan K.V. Svanholm, (pro se) N3RF, Chm. Et Al.
Svanholm Research Laboratories in Washington DC USA
To The Supreme Court of the United States
November 27, 2004
Johan K V Svanholm,
Jack Leigh and John F. Windolph
Governor State of Maryland and
County Executive of Montgomery County Maryland
Request RE-HEARING for Case 04-6303
I here respectfully present my thoughts of the "response or lack thereof" of my case where Montgomery County
Government representatives attacks my friend and host Mr John F. Windolph and neighbor Mr Jack Leigh and then myself using
what I think FALSE INFORMATION generally as well as by calling my stuff Solid Waste when this is not TRUE thereby giving
the District Court false information, but even worse that the District Court Judge Vaughey permits and sanctions all actions
by Montgomery County Maryland.
I also note that what appear all the Courts , besides denying any Jury Trial, or careful review of the facts , appear
to totally ignore the facts
In my case and implying that it basically was a zoning issue, when it never was. It appears to me that Your Court and
theirs didn't understand a word I said in my Applications and Motions throughout.
I have therefore put all the papers that I have filed with the Courts and Yours in a Web-Site http://n3rf.tripod.com
which when printed out comes to about 76 pages. I suggest that Your Court will review all the things that I have said there
and if there are any REAL questions please call me at 202-352-5252 or Email me at N3RF@earthlink.net for explanations if
you so desire or if the matter is not clear, spelled etc.
To make the Contemptfull actions by the Montgomery County perfectly Clear as I see it, I am also including in this document
a list with my comment of the Vehicles that was eventually TAKEN , I call it Stolen,
Containing my resources on Dec 10, 2004, The Statement by Mr John F.Windolph and Mr Jack Leigh so that Your Court has
it all in Focus this time for this review called Re-Hearing of the case 04-6303. It is important that someone can actually
get help from the US Supreme Court of the United States of America. The President US has been kept informed on this matter
and so has the US Congress been kept informed on this matter ever since it began on February 15, 2001 when a Swat Team with
ATF members and others invaded the Family Farm of Mr John F. Windolph with a search warrant that was inaccurate and the
Montgomery County Prosecutor Littman kept the thing going causing great distress and injury to my friends resources as well
as my own.
I am now submitting Mr Windolph and Mr Leighs statement, see below:
So I am for simplicity referring my additional details to the Web Site
And I am forwarding these Re-Hearing request to the parties listed below To Ms Karen Federman-Henry Esquire Montgomery
County and to Julia M Andrew Esquire Asst Attorney General of the State of Maryland and With great concern and urgent request
for some REAL HELP HERE. Yours truly,
Johan K.V. Svanholm, Pro Se. Chm
Svanholm Research Laboratories, P.O. Box 81, Washington, DC 20044
(A n-p Corporation in DC since 1966)
For all mailing use my Private Home address provided the Clerk separately.
Or use my Email Address n3rf@earthlink.net or my Tel 202-352-5252.
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